Greece’s new prime minister wants Germany to pay for Nazi war crimes – The Washington Post

Greece’s new Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras arrived at the prime minister’s office after officially being sworn in on Monday. (Reuters) After the seismic victory of Greece’s leftist Syriza party in national polling Sunday, the country’s new prime minister, 40-year-old Alexis Tsipras, is leading all of Europe down an uncertain path. Syriza has vowed  to renegotiate the crippling…

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Settlers of Catan Publisher Mayfair Games Offering Extra Extra and Flea Market Tabletop Games | The Escapist

Mayfair Games, the publisher behind Settlers of Catan and Cones of Dunshire, is offering Extra Extra and Flea Market within the next two months. Settlers of Catan is pretty fun, but if you find yourself playing it as much as the Green Bay Packers, it might be time to mix things with another tabletop game….

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Rumor: A Century Later, Yonah Schimmel’s Knishes May Close Due to Rent Hike | Bowery Boogie

Not even a month into 2015, and already the high-profile Lower East Side closures are stacking up. The greats are fading. Streit’s Matzo obviously comes to mind, with fifth-generation ownership having sold the Rivington Street factory after 90 years on the block. That teary goodbye – and subsequent relocation to New Jersey – is planned…

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PopPolitics: Why An Alfred Hitchcock Holocaust Project Was Shelved | Variety

Start Article Post Content Andre Singer’s “Night Will Fall,” debuting on HBO on Monday, tells the story of what happened to producer Sidney Bernstein and director Alfred Hitchcock’s hundreds of thousands of hours of footage of the liberation of the Nazi concentration camps.Vivid, chilling and horrific, the images were part of an Allied-commissioned project in…

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