Callbacks, Promises, and Coroutines (oh my!): Asynchronous Programmin…

Callbacks, Promises, and Coroutines (oh my!): Asynchronous Programming Patterns in JavaScript .title .title-container .author-info .author-container .infoContainer #slideview_likes Uploaded on Oct 31, 2011 This talk takes a deep dive into asynchronous programming patterns and practices, with an emphasis on the promise pattern. … This talk takes a deep dive into asynchronous programming patterns and practices, with…

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Neetzan Zimmerman out at Whisper | Capital New York

paging_filterNeetzan Zimmerman, who served as editor in chief of the secret-sharing app Whisper, has left the company, he confirmed to Capital.Zimmerman, “and other staff members,” have been suspended since late October, pending the results of an internal investigation. Whisper was the subject of a multi-part Guardian exposé in mid-October, which alleged that the company’s claim to…

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Who Is Forgiving Whom in Charlie Hebdo? — NYMag

It’s a little confusing. The cover of the next Charlie Hebdo features a cartoon of Mohammed holding a “Je suis Charlie” sign under the headline “Tout est Pardonné” (“All Is Forgiven”), which is a little confusing. Who, exactly, is forgiving whom? According to Charlie Hebdo columnist Zineb El Rhazoui, the drawing is a call to forgive gunmen Chérif and Saïd…

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Twitter forced the world to pay attention to Ferguson. It won’t last. – Vox

DeRay McKesson, a Minneapolis school administrator, has been interviewed by the Washington Post, Reuters, and The Atlantic, and gained more than 61,000 Twitter followers over the past five months. It’s all thanks to his frequent bursts of 140-character insight about the #blacklivesmatter movement, which sprung up after police officer Darren Wilson killed Michael Brown, a black 18 year old,…

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