The Pitchforks Are Coming… For Us Plutocrats – Nick Hanauer – POLITICO Magazine

Memo: From Nick Hanauer To: My Fellow Zillionaires /.shifty-wrapper You probably don’t know me, but like you I am one of those .01%ers, a proud and unapologetic capitalist. I have founded, co-founded and funded more than 30 companies across a range of industries—from itsy-bitsy ones like the night club I started in my 20s to…

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Introducing the Supertweet – The Atlantic

This is what realpolitik looks like on the Internet. Marek Sotak/Flickr If you use Twitter, you’ve probably encountered the “subtweet,” a technique we defined last year in The Atlantic as “the practice of talking about someone without referencing them explicitly.” Alexis Madrigal exemplified subtweeting like this: So, “@alexismadrigal is a jerk” is one thing, but…

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Peeing My Way Around New York City With Airpnp, The App For Bathroom Emergencies – BuzzFeed News

My bladder is the Murphy’s Law of organs. It’s not that it’s small, exactly; rather, it’s disagreeable; neurotic. It conspires. In cahoots with some quietly disgruntled fold of my brain, the devil bag demands emptying only when it cannot be plausibly emptied. It is as if there is a tiny agoraphobe peering out at all…

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Rush After ‘A Rape On Campus’: A UVA Alum Goes Back to Rugby Road

It’s a blue, cold Thursday in January and I’m walking down Rugby Road on the first night of fraternity rush at the University of Virginia, brushing past groups of identical gossiping boys in matching preppy outfits: fleeces, checked oxfords, khakis, boots. “Excuse me,” they say politely when our coats touch, then turn back to each…

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