Chapel Hill shooting ignites anger and sadness under #MuslimLivesMatter
Chapel Hill shooting ignites anger and sadness under #MuslimLivesMatter.
Stream of Reading (Prepare to be Forwarded) – An Archive of What I'm Reading
Chapel Hill shooting ignites anger and sadness under #MuslimLivesMatter.
Women using Uber just can’t catch a break—even if they’re behind the wheel. An unsettling new BuzzFeed report discovered that some predatory Uber riders are abusing the company’s lost-and-found system to track down and harass female drivers after their rides have ended. As BuzzFeed reports, the Twilio contact numbers generated by Uber’s lost-and-found system are supposed to expire shortly after a ride,…
On Tuesday, iSIGHT Partners and Invincea disclosed an attack on, assumed to be the work of actors from China conducting an espionage campaign. But the way the disclosure was handled, including a sensational news cycle and required registration for actual details, makes it look as if both vendors are using the incident to increase…
Sure, some might think this hip new tapestry from Urban Outfitters — yours, for only $69! — might be offensive, but that’s because they just don’t understand fashion. Or maybe they just don’t understand history: “Whether intentional or not, this gray and white stripped pattern and pink triangle combination is deeply offensive and should not be…
Birchbox and Story: Two retail stores redefining the shopping experience The traditional brick-and-mortar store isn’t what it used to be. So what is it becoming? In the traditional sense, retail stores maintain an almost simplistic purpose: a physical space where shoppers can enter, locate what they need, pay for it, and go on their merry…
By Brendan O’Connor on February 8th, 2015 There is a lot of sex on the Internet. There are teenagers making love to Hot Pockets on Vine and 27-year-old medical students auctioning off their virginity. There are hookup apps and dating apps. But there are also just… people. People talking—chatting, tweeting, and commenting. And wherever you…
Matt Mullenweg’s WordPress content management platform is one of the most influential pieces of software on the Internet, running more than 19 percent of websites (including VentureBeat). But before Automattic, the parent company of WordPress, was on the path to being a billion-dollar company, Mullenweg was simply an eager coder with a healthy attitude for self-experimentation….
Jeb Bush, a rumored 2016 Republican presidential candidate, just decided to publish hundreds of thousands of emails sent to him during his time as governor of Florida. On its face it seems like a great idea in the name of transparency, but there’s one huge problem: neither Bush nor those who facilitated the publication of…
Barclays plans to offer apprenticeships in banking to people 50 and older by the end of the year. That’s a rational response to an aging workforce and the impact of demographics in developed economies, and one that more companies around the world will need to replicate. It’s great news for those who find themselves unemployed…
Zoo Security Drills: When Animals Escape In some zoos in Japan and China, staff members perform regular security drills to practice their response to a large animal escape by using costumed zookeepers as the fugitive animals. Individuals in furry costumes or pairs in full-size mockups of larger animals run through zoo property, sometimes inflicting mock…