The terrible loneliness of growing up poor in Robert Putnam’s America – The Washington Post

Political scientist Bob Putnam is photographed at the Harvard Kennedy School of Government. Putnam recently wrote a book about the inequality of opportunity for children titled “Our Kids.” (Damian Strohmeyer for The Washington Post) SWARTHMORE, Penn. — Robert Putnam wants a show of hands of everyone in the room with a parent who graduated from…

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“Where there are more guns, more women die”: A Harvard public health expert breaks down the data on firearms and women’s safety –

The New York Times reported last week that 10 states are currently considering measures to allow people to carry firearms on college campuses. In Nevada, the Republican assemblywoman who sponsored the bill has argued that arming students amounts to a kind of rape prevention. “If these young, hot little girls on campus have a firearm, I…

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30 years on from The Breakfast Club, my greatest fears are realised | David Hunt | Comment is free | The Guardian

‘Five very different kids, struggling to define themselves against the stereotypes projected onto them by parents and peers, spend Saturday detention together in the school library.’ Photograph: c.MCA/Everett / Rex Features/c.MCA/Everett / Rex Features The year was 1985. I was drinking a shandy, a lukewarm mocktail of beer and lemonade that proclaimed to the world,…

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I was a professor at four universities. I still couldn’t make ends meet. – The Washington Post

(AP Photo/Paul Sakuma, File) Last week was the first ever National Adjunct Walkout Day, a grassroots protest to push for fair pay and better working conditions. Protests and teach-ins took place on as many as 100 campuses nationwide, prompting at least one university to create a task force to address labor concerns. It’s little wonder that a national movement has sprung up…

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