The Piracy ‘Problem’ With Periscope Really Isn’t One | WIRED

Piracy is a serious issue. Live-streaming apps like Periscope and Meerkat have plenty of sticky societal implications. These are two indisputable facts! Let’s not make the mistake, though, of assuming that they overlap. This week, HBO confirmed that it sent takedown notices to Periscope, the Twitter-owned emporium of bored iPhone owners showing off their cats…

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Its journalism is behind a paywall, but The Times of London’s developers embrace open source » Nieman Journalism Lab

LONDON — For Callum Jones, a digital reporter at The Times of London, every morning begins with a 4:30 a.m. wakeup call. Jones is responsible for assembling and sending Red Box, a newsletter from The Times and Sunday Times that delivers a roundup of political news, commentary, and polling every morning. Red Box — which…

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The Assistant Economy | Dissent Magazine

Single: article; “It’s like an ever-descending spiral for you…” (Michal Dzierza / Flickr) In 1975 Susan Sontag, the American intellectual famous for On Photography and Against Interpretation, was diagnosed with Stage 4 breast cancer and survived after a radical mastectomy, extensive radiation treatments, and thirty months of debilitating chemotherapy. In the aftermath she needed someone…

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Marissa Mayer on Yahoo’s 20-Year Love Affair With The Color Purple | Fast Company | Business + Innovation

Once upon a time, circa 1995, Yahoo cofounders Jerry Yang and David Filo were setting up the company’s first office. It was a pretty drab place, so they decided to redo the walls. Filo headed out to pick up some paint. A notoriously thrifty type—his official title is “Chief Yahoo,” but his colleagues have been…

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