The Bold Italic, Gannett’s San Francisco attempt to find a new way to do local, is shutting down » Nieman Journalism Lab

The Bold Italic, a local San Francisco site, surprised its audience yesterday by announcing that it was shutting down. “Together we have built a strong community of followers, contributors, and partners. However, we have made the difficult decision to cease operations,” the site said in a post announcing its closure. “It’s been a great run…

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Man undergoing head transplant could experience something ‘a lot worse than death’, says neurological expert – Science – News – The Independent

The operation will be carried out by Italian surgeon Dr Sergio Canavero, in what he expects to be a 36-hour procedure involving 150 doctors and nurses. A Werdnig-Hoffman disease sufferer with rapidly declining health, Spiridonov is willing to take a punt on this very experimental surgery and you can’t really blame him, but while he…

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The Billionaire Who Wants To Prevent A Class War, One Public Poll At A Time | Co.Exist | ideas + impact

Income inequality is tearing apart the social fabric of the U.S., and plenty of people—not unreasonably—blame big corporations. Billionaire Paul Tudor Jones, founder of a hedge fund and the much-lauded Robin Hood Foundation, which works on poverty-related issues in New York City, is worried. During a talk at this year’s TED Conference, he voiced his…

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The Student Debt Strike Movement Is Finally Getting the Attention It Deserves

A small rebellion against the American higher education system is gaining steam. On Tuesday, a group of strikers and organizers who call themselves “the Corinthian 100” met with officials from the U.S. Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, the Department of Education and the Department of Treasury to demand that their federal student loans be forgiven. The…

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Here are all the pretentious literary references “Archer” has ever made –

Sterling Archer of FX’s “Archer” is practically a walking AP Literature text book. As the world’s most well-read secret-service agent, he knows the texts of “Animal Farm” and “Of Mice and Men” — even the works of French Philosopher Peter Abelard dating back to the 12th century — like the back of his hand. Or, well…

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Blurst of Times

The Blurst of Times A genetic algorithm experiment — @joshmillard     This script creates a series of virtual monkeys, each with its own genetic pre-disposition to whack certain sets of keys on a typewriter in a certain order. Each generation of monkeys competes to see who can produce output closest to the target sentence;…

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