Pennsylvania High School Students Organize “Anti-Gay Day” – BuzzFeed News

View this image › A student at McGuffey High School with the words “anti-gay” drawn on his hand. Supplied Students at a Pennsylvania high school held an “Anti-Gay Day” protest on Thursday, wearing coordinated flannel shirts, writing “anti-gay” on their hands, and sticking Bible verses on LGBT students’ lockers. “We came in to school on…

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DC Entertainment and Warner Bros. Launch “DC Super Hero Girls” Initiative – Comic Book Resources

DC Entertainment and Warner Bros. are teaming up to launch “DC Super Hero Girls” in fall 2015, a new initiative that will create a new superhero universe designed specifically for girls. “DC Super Hero Girls” will follow female superheroes and supervillains of the DC Comics, “prior to discovering their full super power potential.” Wonder Woman,…

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You Can’t Get an Apartment Because Rich People Need Them All 

In many cities around the world—New York, San Francisco, London—most people find the rent to be unaffordable. Buying is out of the question. Perhaps that is because your city’s housing stock is now just another fungible financial instrument, like pork bellies. You, the middle class resident of a major urban area, may have complained at…

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How public shaming on the Internet unfairly targets women

The Sony email hack is making the rounds again—but not for the reason you might expect. After WikiLeaks republished the embattled company’s emails in their entirety last weekend, certain aspects of Sony’s very public embarrassment have once again been making headlines. Perhaps one of the strangest revelations to have gained traction is ex-Sony chief Amy…

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Jon Ronson’s So You’ve Been Publicly Shamed and Its Backlash – Flavorwire

In Jon Ronson’s interview with “Mercedes,” a 4chan activist, for his controversial nonfiction book, So You’ve Been Publicly Shamed, she offhandedly explains why controversial site operates the way it does: “On the Internet, we have power in situations where we would otherwise be powerless.” Ronson’s book and many similar inquiries into the social media hive mind are interested…

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Marc Andreessen and Ev Williams and Jack Dorsey Grow Lincoln Beards | Re/code

Consider this newest and perhaps hairiest of trends in Silicon Valley these days: The hipster lumbersexual has merged with the tech elite, creating the world’s wealthiest cavemen. Jack Dorsey, of Twitter and Square fame, was the first to be spotted sporting heavy chin whiskers, in a picture Kara Swisher tweeted after visiting him. She described…

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Facebook unveils phone app Hello

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Marvel’s Editor-In-Chief Explains Why ‘X-Men’ Character Iceman Came Out – MTV

by Alex Zalben 4/21/2015There aren’t that many homosexual comic book characters. In fact, the dedicated Wikipedia page only lists 99 superheroes, from any publisher… That’s in comparison to Marvel Comics’ purported 5,000+ characters the publisher touted when they were bought by Disney back in 2009. And when you get to name brand, easily recognizable (read:…

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