What Happened to Occupy Wall Street? – The Atlantic

On her first campaign stop in Iowa in April, Hillary Clinton struck a decisively populist tone, declaring that “the deck is still stacked in favor of those at the top.” Later, she sharpened her rhetoric on income inequality by comparing the salaries of America’s richest hedge fund managers with kindergarten teachers.   Clinton isn’t alone….

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This is not a typo: Only 3% of Americans are legally allowed to invest in start-ups – Quartz

Of the richest venture capitalists, all are worth more than $1 billion, and all are men. The majority of these have invested in Groupon, LinkedIn, Skype, YouTube, Paypal, Facebook and others. Chances are, you are legally barred from joining their exclusive investors’ club. More than 97% of Americans cannot invest in the latest startups, nor…

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