Gawker Outs One Cheater and the Internet Condemns Gawker—Hackers Expose 37 Million Cheaters and the Internet Condemns Cheaters – Slog – The Stranger

Late last week, Gawker posted an item about a “C-suite executive” at Condé Nast, a married father of three (a married-to-a-woman father of three [I’m old enough to remember when we didn’t have to clarify those things]), who made arrangements to spend a weekend with a gay male escort/porn star/conspiracy theorist. The porn star figured…

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White Men Use #TakeUsDown To Ridicule Concept of White Male Privilege

Twitter campaign #TakeUsDown fights back against idea that men are oppressive A new Twitter campaign takes aim at the idea that white men are oppressive and privileged. Vice Media co-founder Gavin McInnes, who left the company in 2007, launched the campaign last week which uses the hashtag #TakeUsDown and features dozens of pictures of white men—and even babies and boys—lying face…

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Anti-science advocates are freaking out about Google truth rankings –

Google could launch an effort to keep trolls and bad information at bay, with a program that would rank websites according to veracity, and sort results according to those rankings. Currently, the search engine ranks pages according to popularity, which means that pages containing unsubstantiated celebrity gossip or conspiracy theories, for example, show up very…

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