New Orleans Crotch Cricket Rate Off The Charts, So Let’s Not Teach Sex Ed | Wonkette

How’s this for a surprise? Louisiana, where abstinence-only sex ed is mandatory and schools are actually forbidden by law from teaching about contraception and STDs, has the cities with the highest and second-highest STD infection rates in this great nation of ours. Cosmopolitan New Orleans is actually #2 in that competition, with the top prize…

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Haha What? | MattBruenig | Politics

A liberal activist blogger conference apparently interrupted Bernie Sanders and Martin O’Malley. I wasn’t there and didn’t really follow the rabid tweeting, but got the gist that it was because these candidates ignore Black issues. I went looking for more comprehensive subsequent coverage and found some hilarious stuff, specifically around Bernie Sanders. Let us review….

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College Debt Attitudes: Millennials vs. Gen X | Adrian Nazari

Entry Text Millennials may be spending more for college and racking up record debt, but they don’t mind, according to a new survey of 500 university graduates by Credit Sesame. In summary, despite the skyrocketing cost of higher education, Millennials (individuals born between 1981 and 2004) have a more positive opinion of college than Gen…

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Crackle says 278,000 people have already watched Joe Dirt 2 · Newswire · The A.V. Club

Taking an unconventional measure for an online streaming service—possibly as a way of checking if everyone involved is simply hallucinating from exposure to dangerous quantities of mullet glue—Crackle has released the viewership numbers for its exclusive debut of Joe Dirt 2, showing that 278,000 people watched the David Spade-starring sequel during its first 24 hours…

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