Hillary Clinton Assured Drop In Polls Just Indication People Haven’t Abandoned Ideals Yet – The Onion – America’s Finest News Source

WASHINGTON—Amidst a recent decline in support from likely primary voters, presidential candidate Hillary Clinton was assured by campaign staffers Monday that her drop in the polls was merely an indication that people have not yet abandoned their ideals. “Don’t worry, voters are just hesitant to give up on their most cherished principles at this point…

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Four Easy Ways to Be a White Supremacist | Sojourners

At its heart, white supremacy is not about white hoods and burning crosses. EVEN AS SOUTHERN states—and GOP candidates—jumped through hoops to distance themselves from the Confederate flag, a backlash erupted among those claiming the flag was merely a symbol of “heritage.” Battle-flag waving Southerners (and Confederacy sympathizers) seemed to leap at the opportunity to…

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We called out a Silicon Valley investor for wearing a horribly sexist t-shirt at a startup party | Fusion

It was a Saturday night in San Francisco, and so, of course, there was a booze-fueled start-up launch party at a hip SOMA bar. We were among the Kickstarter backers and enthusiasts invited by SpaceVR to “be an astronaut” by donning a virtual reality headset to explore a 3D-version of space pulled together from publicly…

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Inside Amazon: Wrestling Big Ideas in a Bruising Workplace – The New York Times

Photo Amazon employees entering the company’s offices in Seattle. It recently became the most valuable retailer in the country. Credit Ruth Fremson/The New York Times SEATTLE — On Monday mornings, fresh recruits line up for an orientation intended to catapult them into Amazon’s singular way of working. They are told to forget the “poor habits”…

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Are you too gay, fat or poor to wear an Herve Leger bandage dress?

In an interview Saturday with Britain’s Daily Mail, Herve Leger head designer Patrick Couderc said so many offensive things about women that the internet is still reeling—and fuming. The designer’s comments were so outrageously body-shaming that even the uber-tabloid Mail called the interview “dangerously outspoken.” Speaking about the fashion house’s iconic bandage dress—which has been…

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