21 Times Facebook Trending Went Way, Way Too Far

1. The time Brad Pitt got food. Via Twitter: @AmyOtto8 2. The time Jennifer Lawrence wore clothes. Via Twitter: @marqualler 3. The time a bunch of bees got loose. Via f4ncyf3a5t.tumblr.com 4. The time Kendall Jenner decided to wear clothes that DIDN’T cover the lower half of her legs. Via Twitter: @DavidToluGraham 5. The time we learned what April Fools’ Day was. Via Twitter: @dtrombino…

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Which Fantastic Four Cast Member Told Its Director That His Movie Sucks?

The latest Fantastic Four flick is an abysmal flop of such proportions that multiple outlets have run what-went-wrong-style pieces in its wake. Today’s comes via The Hollywood Reporter and it is utterly delicious. Kim Masters’s “Fantastic Four Blame Game: Fox, Director Josh Trank Square Off Over On-Set ‘Chaos’” tells the story of a spandex-hungry studio…

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Saying Trigger Warnings “Coddle the Mind” Completely Misses the Point | The Mary Sue

You’ve basically read this anti-trigger warning article before. You probably didn’t even see the far-less-popular follow-up, “I was a liberal adjunct professor. My liberal students didn’t scare me at all.” The stories people share about trigger warnings tend to wildly misunderstand the issue; this latest one literally depicts modern college students as babies. The Atlantic‘s piece makes some reference to work…

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Reddit: A Nine-Year Case Study in Absentee Management – Bloomberg Business

In 2006, Condé Nast, the New York-based publisher of Vogue and the New Yorker, among other magazines, bought a promising information-sharing and online-discussion startup called Reddit. At the time, social media was just taking off and big media conglomerates were scrambling for a piece of the action. Rupert Murdoch’s News Corp. had recently outfoxed Sumner…

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