Protesters drove Bernie Sanders from one Seattle stage. At his next stop, 15,000 people showed. – The Washington Post

Bernie Sanders was scheduled to deliver two speeches in Seattle on Saturday. The first didn’t happen. An appearance by the senator from Vermont at an event celebrating the anniversary of Social Security and Medicare was scuttled after protesters from a local Black Lives Matter chapter took over the stage. Hours later, Sanders, who has been…

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Bernie Sanders Unveils Sweeping Policy Platform To Combat Racial Inequality

WASHINGTON — A day after being interrupted by Black Lives Matters protesters at a campaign event in Seattle, Washington, Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) released a detailed platform on combating racial inequality. Sanders’ campaign posted the platform on his website on Sunday, and he addressed the issue of racial justice that evening in front…

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Controversy clouds excitement for Marvel’s ‘All New, All Different’ relaunch

For many fans, Marvel’s “All New, All Different” relaunch has already been soured by controversy. The All New, All Different Marvel Comics universe will begin with a rollout of around 60 new titles starting in October. The plan is to revitalize old favorites while making the Marvel universe more accessible to new readers, including some…

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Bernie Sanders, Black Lives Matter and the racial divide in Seattle – The Seattle Globalist

Presidential candidate Bernie Sanders walked away from the microphone as activists Mara Jacqueline Willaford and Marissa Johnson disrupted a rally at Westlake Center on Saturday where he was scheduled to speak about Social Security. (Photo by Alex Garland) On Saturday, Bernie Sanders came to Seattle for a fundraiser and rally. At the rally at Westlake…

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Will Google’s Bid for More Ad-Buying Control Cause Marketers a Huge Mess? | Adweek

Google’s decision Thursday to shut down YouTube media buying on its programmatic network DoubleClick Ad Exchange (or AdX) signals the tech giant wants tighter control of its growing advertising ecosystem. But the attempt to create a so-called walled garden with video ads has some agency execs baffled. Under Google’s new rules, marketers won’t be able…

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Twentysomething Men Now Have a Disorder Called ‘Pussy Affluenza’

According to a concerning trend piece on the current ‘dating apocalypse’ of twentysomethings, hookup culture has hit a critical mass of excess and indulgence, and the kids are not alright—they are, in fact, all fucked out with nobody to love. RIP going steady. The piece comes courtesy of Vanity Fair via journo Nancy Jo Sales,…

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The Mother Of All GTA V Crashes

When Hoosker Don’t crashed his bike playing GTA V, he probably figured—as the opening seconds of this video suggest—that he’d just get up and get another vehicle. No big deal. Oh, how wrong he was. Before too long, the game’s driving AI has…had some problems. By 1:50 it’s a warzone. core-decorated The Mother Of All…

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