Reddit Finally Bans Racist r/CoonTown And Other Hateful Communities, Updates User Policies | TechCrunch

Begin: WordPress Article Content Reddit CEO Steve Huffman introduced an updated set of user policies Wednesday, which included details for how Reddit would be “quarantining” certain communities and banning ones which were particular awful, including the infamous r/CoonTown. Quarantined communities will be hidden from the general Reddit community and only visible to members of those specific subreddits…

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#ilooklikeanengineer wants to challenge your ideas about who can work in tech – The Washington Post

It all started when a “self-taught engineer, extreme introvert, science-nerd, anime-lover, college dropout” wrote that she was tired of stereotypes. Isis Wenger, a 22-year-old platform engineer in San Francisco, got talked into being one of a handful of colleagues featured in a hastily organized recruiting campaign for her company OneLogin, she wrote on Medium. The…

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The Ferguson Protests Worked

Credit: Jake Reeves/The Huffington Post FERGUSON, Mo. — Nearly a half-century ago, a University of Missouri law professor named T.E. Lauer issued a warning. Missouri’s network of municipal courts, he wrote, were “a modern anomaly” generally “overlooked or ignored as the misshapen stepchildren of our judicial system.” It was “disgraceful,” he argued, that poor people…

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I’m Not Lovin’ It | Lucky Peach

Billions and billions of hamburgers, and so many of them, to judge by the Yelp reviews, served to unhappy people. But why would anyone post a review of McDonald’s on Yelp? This is a question that people who post reviews of McDonald’s on Yelp often begin by asking. (“I’m not sure what is compelling me…”…

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