Why ancient armor had awesome abs – Vox

Why did Greek warriors have awesome abs and pecs hammered into their armor? We know from ancient texts, pottery, and archaeological evidence that some ancient Greek warriors — like the citizen-soldier hoplites — wore uniforms that had the same aesthetic as a nippled Batman suit. And it’s pretty clear that subsequent armies often worked off…

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Watch what happens when regular people try to use handguns in self-defense – The Washington Post

In a study commissioned by the National Gun Victims Action Council, the group found that people without firearms training performed poorly in simulated scenarios, like a carjacking, an armed robbery and a suspected larceny. (National Gun Victims Action Council) In the wake of the Sandy Hook school shooting, the National Rifle Association proposed putting more guns…

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Ted Cruz is wrong about Captain Picard | The Verge

Presidential hopeful and would-be Christ figure Ted Cruz recently did an interview with The New York Times, and it’s an absolute must-read. Rather than delve deeply into policy, interviewer Ana Marie Cox presses the senator about who he is under that “wacko bird” exterior. As a youth, he was an unpopular nerd. He loved and still loves Spider-Man and…

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