“Picture yourself as a stereotypical male” | MIT Admissions

  There is empirical evidence to support the idea that males have a higher capacity for spatial reasoning than females. A large-scale 1995 meta-analysis found that on average, men outperform women in a cluster of tests related to spatial ability by nearly a full standard deviation, and in attempt to explain this, researchers have hypothesized about…

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Crown Heights Tenants Fight Court Ruling That Would Double Their Rent: “We Will Not Move”: Gothamist

  Councilmember Laurie Cumbo and Assemblywoman Diana Richardson rallying with tenants outside of 285 Schenectady on Wednesday night (UHAB) Dozens of Crown Heights tenants and allies gathered for a candlelight vigil near the corner of Schenectady Avenue and Union Street last night, in solidarity with 55 families at 285 Schenectady and 1646 Union who will…

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Oregon Judge Refuses To Perform Same-Sex Marriages

 A circuit court judge in Oregon’s Marion County is refusing to perform same-sex marriages, claiming doing so would violate his First Amendment rights. Judge Vance D. Day, who has served in Oregon’s Third Judicial District since 2011, has never married an LGBT couple, and has stopped performing marriages all together. Day says performing gay marriages…

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Violent “Altercation” at Oakland Whole Foods; Witness Says Black Customer Bloodied After Attempting to “Buy Groceries with his EBT Card” | The Snitch | San Francisco | San Francisco News and Events | SF Weekly

click to enlarge The Whole Foods market near Lake Merritt in Oakland was the site of a bloody “altercation” between a security guard and a black customer last night, according to a witness and the Whole Foods store. Facebook user Zoe Marks shared three graphic photos of the victim of the attack, who she says…

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