Metroid’s Samus Aran is a Transgender Woman. Deal With It. | The Mary Sue

There’s been a lot of talk lately about the lack of women protagonists in videogames. But our problems with diversity don’t stop there. As one article recently noted, shockingly, there have only been 14 playable black women in videogame history. Gamers who aren’t cisgender white men often find themselves lacking characters they can rally behind….

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33 Thomas Street | Atlas Obscura

So you finally noticed that terrifying, windowless skyscraper in the middle of Manhattan? It’s fine, really. Now, move along. Officially known as the “Long Lines Building,” New York’s doom-iest tower was designed in 1974 by architect John Carl Warneke. Though its most noteworthy feature is its utter lack of windows, the building is also noteworthy for its unusually high…

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News Guild starts $500,000 campaign to organize digital newsrooms | POLITICO

paging_filter The News Guild — known until recently as the Newspaper Guild — has traditionally been the union for American journalists who produce written work. Lately, though, in the digital-media business, it has been overshadowed by the Writers Guild of America-East union, which has organized the editorial staffs at digital-only news outlets Gawker Media, Salon…

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