Donald Trump Embraces His 4Chan Fans – Vocativ

Donald Trump’s 4chan fans were driven into a frenzy on Tuesday when Trump retweeted one of the site’s most popular memes: An image of an anthropomorphic frog decked out as the presidential contender. He posted the pic alongside “You Can’t Stump The Trump,” a video compilation of clips from the last Republican primary debate that highlighted some of his more outrageous moments from the evening. 4chan…

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The Return of the Middle American Radical

 1976, Don­ald War­ren—a so­ci­olo­gist from Oak­land Uni­versity in Michigan who would die two dec­ades later without ever at­tain­ing the rank of full pro­fess­or—pub­lished a book called The Rad­ic­al Cen­ter: Middle Amer­ic­ans and the Polit­ics of Ali­en­a­tion. Few people have read or heard of it—I learned of it about 30 years ago from the late, very ec­cent­ric pa­leo­con­ser­vat­ive…

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Snapchat To Shut Down Snap Channel, Laying Off Team, Changing Content Plans | Deadline

Underscoring the complicated relationship between the tech world and traditional entertainment, Snapchat has done a course correction on its original content strategy, opting to shut down its Snap Channel permanently, leading to the departure of a number of employees, including Marcus Wiley, Head of Program Planning and Development. Launched in January, Snap Channel had marked Snapchat’s foray into self-generated original content. The…

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‘Mommy, Am I Going to Die?’: Ohio 4-year-old pleads after cop shoots her and walks away

4-year-old Ava Ellis in a family portrait. [Inside Edition] Newly-released audio illustrates a Columbus, Ohio family’s confusion and terror after a local police officer accidentally shot a then-4-year-old girl while being asked to help the girl’s mother. Note: the video below plays automatically. The audio, aired on Inside Edition, depicts the June 19 incident involving…

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