Disguises — for ads and for devices — are becoming a bigger part of mobile ads | VentureBeat | Marketing | by Barry Levine

The evolution of the mobile ad ecosystem is ushering in some new disguises. I spoke recently with several practitioners about where mobile ads are heading. “The customer experience [of mobile ads] is totally broken,”  Joe Prusz, ad tech firm Rubicon Project’s head of mobile, told me, referring to both web and in-app ads. He pointed…

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4chan and the Oregon shooter: What the suspicious thread says about a horrifying subculture of young male rage – Salon.com

It may have been a direct warning. It may have been just a coincidence. And regardless of which scenario is true, the fact we can’t yet be sure should tell you plenty already about the horrifying subculture of murderously angry young men out there. As law enforcement and the press scrambled for information in the…

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Tax avoidance by corporations is out of control. The United Nations must step in | Comment is free | The Guardian

The rules that govern cross border profits enable systemic tax avoidance, because they allow profits to be shifted away from where they are generated to another country with a lower (or zero) tax rate – all as a matter of accounting rather than real economic activities. These rules frequently serve the economic interests of the…

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#FBF: One Year Later, Facebook Fails to Fix Its Biased Real Names Policy — Gender 2.0 — Medium

Exactly one year ago*, Facebook’s Chief Product Officer Chris Cox publicly apologized for the company’s discriminatory “real names” policy. I should know: not only was I personally mentioned in Cox’s note, but I was one of the drag queens — along with a broader coalition of artists and activists representing queer and transgender people, survivors of domestic…

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Anti-Vaxxers Accidentally Fund a Study Showing No Link Between Autism and Vaccines

Most experts today agree that the belief that childhood vaccines cause autism is based on bunk science. Even still, some advocacy groups claim immunizations are responsible for raising the risk for this neurodevelopmental condition, despite a growing body of research that shows there isn’t a link. (The study that most anti-vaccination groups point to was retracted after…

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