Gannett’s Chief People Officer would like to see more people volunteer to leave Gannett JIMROMENESKO.COM

Gannett’s Chief People Officer would like to see more people volunteer to leave Gannett A Romenesko reader writes: “I am not eligible for the early retirement buyout, but several of my colleagues are. They feel like they are now being pressured to take it, even though it’s supposed to be completely voluntary. “They also see…

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GitHub, Yubico Partner On Discount 2-Factor Security ‘YubiKey’ Tokens – Fortune

Security works best in layers: Something you know (a password), something you have (a token), something you are (a fingerprint). Yet too many web services rely solely upon that first, often impossible-to-remember layer alone. The upshot? Compromised accounts—day in, day out. That could soon change. Chris Wansrath, CEO and co-founder of the coding community startup…

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T-Mobile data breach – Business Insider

T-Mobile Approximately 15 million T-Mobile customers and credit applicants had their records stolen after hackers stole information from its credit verifier, Experian, said T-Mobile CEO John Legere. People who applied for a credit check or device financing from T-Mobile between September 1, 2013, and September 16, 2015, had their information stolen, according to a note…

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Deaths from gun violence vs. deaths from terrorism, in one chart – Vox

In his impassioned address in the wake of Thursday’s horrible shooting at an Oregon community college, President Obama issued a challenge to the media. “Have news organizations tally up the number of Americans who’ve been killed through terrorist attacks in the last decade and the number of Americans who’ve been killed by gun violence, and post those side by…

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Peeple Bleater :

NEWS:   A forthcoming app called “Peeple” will purportedly function as a ratings service of private individuals. On 30 September 2015 social media users began buzzing about a purported new app called “Peeple” and proposed functionality (i.e., “to assign reviews and one- to five-star ratings to everyone you know”) that was almost universally scorned by its…

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