Hillary Clinton is on wrong side of everything: Stop telling me I have to vote for her because of the Supreme Court – Salon.com

First and foremost, the latest unscientific poll out of Western Illinois University has Bernie Sanders winning the presidency. Therefore, if polls are gospel, we’ll have a Democrat in the White House who plans on fixing the structural issues plaguing Wall Street and the U.S. economy. With Sanders, we’ll have an honest attempt at breaking up…

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I analyzed 10,000 Craigslist missed connections. Here’s what I learned. | I analyzed 10,000 Craigslist missed connections. Here’s what I learned.

As much as I’ve always wanted to be the subject of someone’s missed connection, I doubt I’m suited to it. Aboard public transport, my go-to facial expression is a stern, furrowed brow. “Solving the crisis in the Middle East, no doubt,” my fellow passengers probably sympathize, contemplating the task of fixing the world’s thorniest geopolitical dilemma…

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Facebook Mulls Ad Changes for Instant Articles After Publisher Pushback – WSJ

Updated Nov. 11, 2015 7:31 p.m. ET Facebook FB -0.44 % is experimenting with new advertising approaches for its Instant Articles platform after publishers encountered challenges generating ad revenue because of restrictions imposed by the social network. Instant Articles, which Facebook rolled out to all iPhone users last month, allows media companies to publish content…

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Kill the Email – The Atlantic

Sometime in the past 20 years, people soured on email. Culturally, it went from  delightful to burdensome, a shift that’s reflected in the very language of the inbox. In the 1990s, AOL would gleefully announce, “You’ve got mail!” Today, Gmail celebrates the opposite: “No new mail!” So what happened to email? What happened to us?…

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