How America went from the land of opportunity to the bastion of the frantic – The Washington Post

(Tom Toles) In 1973 everything changed. The postwar boom went missing. Jobs were suddenly less plentiful. The 1970’s became a decade of inflation and foreign imports flooded in. In 1980 everything changed again. Supply-side economics looked like it might be the answer. Taxes were cut, we started running giant deficits, and capitalism was reinvigorated in…

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As TV Ad Rates Soar, ‘Super PACs’ Pivot to Core Campaign Work –

WASHINGTON — Soaring advertising costs in early primary states are compelling major “super PACs” to realign their tactics, de-emphasizing costly broadcast commercials in favor of the kind of nuts-and-bolts work that presidential candidates used to handle themselves. They are overseeing extensive field operations, data-collection programs, digital advertising, email lists, opposition research and voter registration efforts….

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Trump’s Big If: Why Polls May Underestimate His Support – Bloomberg Politics

Polls may be underestimating Donald Trump’s support, according to intriguing new research that says the Republican front-runner benefits from a “social desirability bias”—some people who plan to vote for him are too embarrassed to admit it. The study, published Monday by Morning Consult, found that Trump fares about six percentage points better among likely Republican…

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Star Wars Is God’s Gift to Content Farms | Motherboard

  Star Wars arrived in theatres yesterday, creating a massive demand for internet content that reaffirms the movie as a cornerstone of global culture. When a ‘phenomenon’ occurs, content farms must provide the content that supplements the phenomenon and offers a meaningful buildup. This arc is present in entertainment, news, media, and mass niche internet…

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