Live in a FedEx truck for $600 a month: The newest “solution” to San Francisco’s homelessness crisis –

This article originally appeared on AlterNet. In the past few years, San Francisco’s massive rents have displaced long-time residents and worsened the city’s already epic homelessness problem, sending more people into encampments or forcing them to live in cars or doubled up. Now, residents have the opportunity to experience that glamorous lifestyle by paying $600…

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How Elmo Ruined Sesame Street

I can’t stand Elmo, just can’t deal with this damn Muppet anymore. He’s cute, he’s shrill, and he has made Sesame Street worse. I write this knowing that many people love Elmo, but Sesame Street’s most-marketed character is an over-exposed drag. He has managed, ironically, to make a children’s show too childish. Thanks in large…

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We Don’t Want Mark Zuckerberg’s Charity | Jacobin

  Every dollar in Mark Zuckerberg’s private charity is a dollar wrested from public coffers — and democratic control. The media-as-public-relations-machine was in full swing last week, abuzz over Mark Zuckerberg and Priscilla Chan’s public letter to their daughter that contained a $45 billion pledge to establish the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative. The mainstream media produced…

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