10 Examples That Prove White Privilege Protects White People in Every Aspect Imaginable — Everyday Feminism

Source: iStock If you checked out Jose Antonio Vargas’s documentary about White people, aptly titled White People, you’ll know that many White people struggle discussing race (not that some of you needed a documentary to confirm this fact). Throw “White Privilege” into the discussion, and the awkwardness – and defensiveness – can multiply astronomically. What…

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Cards Against Humanity buys Picasso, threatens to chop it to bits and give it away | The Verge

How would you like to own 150,000th of a Picasso? That’s what Cards Against Humanity (CAH) is asking the 150,000 customers who subscribed to its Eight Sensible Gifts For Hanukkah. Sort of. Each year, the irreverent, Kickstarter-funded card game offers a holiday special card pack of sorts. This year, it was the Hanukkah themed Eight Sensible Gifts…

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How Rey and ‘The Force Awakens’ could change ‘Star Wars’ forever – The Washington Post

Daisey Ridley as Rey, left, and John Boyega as Finn, in a scene from the new film, “Star Wars: The Force Awakens.” (Disney/Lucasfilm via Associated Press) This piece is chock full of spoilers for “The Force Awakens.” Also, feelings. One of the downsides of trying to sum up the year in pop culture early in…

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The first website went online 25 years ago today

Where are the creators in 2015? Berners-Lee is still as tightly involved with web as he ever was, directing the World Wide Web Consortium he helped create. In fact, he’s pushing hard to protect the open web against both government censorship and telecoms’ attempts to crush net neutrality. CERN’s role, however, has changed somewhat. While…

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“Hillary just terrified everyone”: Edward Snowden slams Clinton’s hawkish foreign policy in third debate – Salon.com

“Aaaaaaaaand Hillary just terrified everyone with an internet connection,” whistleblower Edward Snowden tweeted Saturday night, during the third Democratic presidential debate. Aaaaaaaaand Hillary just terrified everyone with an internet connection. #DemDebate — Edward Snowden (@Snowden) December 20, 2015 Snowden, who worked for a private contractor with the National Security Agency (NSA), leaked documents in 2013…

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Snowden: Clinton’s Call for a ‘Manhattan-Like Project’ Is Terrifying | Rolling Stone

The Democratic debate Saturday night featured familiar themes: Bernie Sanders hit Hillary Clinton as beholden to Wall Street, Clinton hit Sanders as soft on gun control, Martin O’Malley had a tough time getting a word in edgewise — as this sad exchange with moderator Martha Raddatz demonstrates: O’MALLEY: Martha, may I — Martha, may I… RADDATZ: No,…

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