10 Times Reporters Asked Female Celebrities The Wrong Damn Question
Just, no. 10 Times Reporters Asked Female Celebrities The Wrong Damn Question.
Stream of Reading (Prepare to be Forwarded) – An Archive of What I'm Reading
Just, no. 10 Times Reporters Asked Female Celebrities The Wrong Damn Question.
Jon Stewart tapes The Daily Show at the University of Denver on Aug. 26, 2008. Photo by Eric Thayer/Reuters Seventeen years ago, The Daily Show was a forgettable late-night lark on a little-watched cable channel. Today, after covering seven elections and countless scandals, controversies, and local quirks, the show Jon Stewart built is an institution…
story by Meghan Stewart, art by Kelsey Bell Whether it’s your own guilty pleasure or caving to the desires of a significant other, chances are good that you’re going to see the 50 Shades of Grey movie at some point after it premieres on Valentine’s Day. Chances are also fairly high that going to see…
I’m a good reporter but a lousy journalist. I know how to write, but I have no clue what people want to read. It’s taken me a long time to admit that. I owe this sudden clarity to 50 Shades of Grey – both the book (which I haven’t read) and the movie (which I…
Update PLEASE READ. I had posted and linked the wrong response letter earlier today.. make sure you post the PDF. not the Doc.. it’s fixed now.. Sorry 1 person shop here.. and i’m extremely tired tooSo Pretty much it took less than 24 hours for Katy Perry’s law firm to send shapeways.com/shops/amznfx a cease and…
This weekend, a man wearing a skull mask posted a video on YouTube outlining his plans to murder me. I know his real name. I documented it and sent it to law enforcement, praying something is finally done. I have received these death threats and 43 others in the last five months. This experience is the basis of a Law & Order episode…
1. The Washington Post For regaining its strength (with a little help from Jeff Bezos). When Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos purchased the Washington Post in 2013 for just $250 million, it wasn’t clear whether the tech maven could breathe new life into a 140-year-old print newspaper. But nearly two years later, The Post is thriving….
One question that’s been asked a lot since Jeff Bezos bought The Washington Post is how involved he is in the newspaper’s evolution. Bezos hasn’t spoken in much detail about the subject. (One of his relatively few public comments about his ownership starts at 42:45 to this Business Insider video.) Media references to the Post’s…
Chapel Hill shooting ignites anger and sadness under #MuslimLivesMatter.
Women using Uber just can’t catch a break—even if they’re behind the wheel. An unsettling new BuzzFeed report discovered that some predatory Uber riders are abusing the company’s lost-and-found system to track down and harass female drivers after their rides have ended. As BuzzFeed reports, the Twilio contact numbers generated by Uber’s lost-and-found system are supposed to expire shortly after a ride,…