How a Photo of Prince Perfectly Summed Up the Grammys – The Root

Prince YouTube Screenshot /sl-art-illo-cap /sl-art-illo-cntr Year after year, the Grammys prove that it doesn’t matter how talented you are when it comes to music. And every year, there’s always that one person who perfectly captures what the world is thinking when you’re sitting at home asking yourself, “How did Beyoncé just lose to Beck?” and…

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Crowdfunded dongle Matchstick sparks backlash with DRM plans | ZDNet

Summary:In its original plans, Firefox OS-powered Chromecast alternative Matchstick was meant to be shipping by this time, but the project did not flag plans to support DRM until this weekend. Self-proclaimed open hardware and software platform Matchstick has surprised backers of its project over the weekend, when it announced plans to support Microsoft’s PlayReady technology…

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Selfie with dead victim is “key piece of evidence” in teen murder case | Ars Technica

cache hit 73:single/related:ffb4a759485aae27047f3c90f0c6f74a empty A funeral was held Monday for a Pennsylvania teen whose alleged killer took a selfie with the dead boy after shooting him in the face. Defendant Maxwell Morton, 16. The authorities said Ryan Mangan, 16, was discovered dead Wednesday by his mother at his Westmoreland County residence. His accused attacker, Maxwell Morton,…

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Doctor Who game helps kids to learn to code | Ars Technica

cache hit 73:single/related:57e9fdb783359c4a460dfd4c98a1c7fa empty The BBC has revealed its fiendish side—tricking kids into learning how to code with a free Doctor Who game. The Doctor and the Dalek is available now on Android, iOS, and Amazon app stores, and combines a platforming adventure with an introduction to Boolean logic-based programming.Peter Capaldi, the current incarnation of The…

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Sexism and consequences at TechCrunch’s annual award show | The Verge

For the past eight years, TechCrunch has hosted a bizarro tech world version of the Oscars called the Crunchies. The industry gets all dolled up, walks the “green carpet,” and watches Silicon Valley insiders present trophies for categories like “Best On-Demand Service” and “Best Overall Startup.” At the eighth annual Crunchies last Thursday, the best startup…

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The U.S. Filed More Than Half Of All Twitter’s Requests For User Info Last Year – BuzzFeed News

According to their latest update, published on their blog on Monday, there was definitely a jump in that number between the first and second halves of last year. “We’ve received ~40% more requests for account information affecting 128% more account holders during the second half of 2014 than in the previous reporting period,” Twitter said….

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Iggy Azalea Twitter rant against Papa John’s – Business Insider

Kevin Winter/Getty Images Iggy Azalea went after Papa John’s on Twitter on Sunday after a delivery man from the pizza chain passed out the singer’s phone number to his family and friends. Papa John’s sort-of apologized, tweeting this light-hearted response quoting Azalea’s lyrics, and never actually saying the word “sorry.”: Azalea did not find the…

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How a prep school math teacher has exploded the debate over affordable housing in San Francisco – The Washington Post

Would making all of this taller actually solve the affordability problem? (By Flickr user @sage_solar, via Creative Commons Attribution license) In San Francisco, pretty much everyone agrees on one thing: The city’s housing is crazy expensive. Apartment-hunting causes its own form of PTSD. The rent, to put it simply, is too damn high. But even…

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