Unique in the shopping mall: On the reidentifiability of credit card metadata

Unique in the shopping mall: On the reidentifiability of credit card metadata Yves-Alexandre de Montjoye1,*, Laura Radaelli2, Vivek Kumar Singh1,3, Alex “Sandy” Pentland1 1Media Lab, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), 20 Amherst Street, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. 2Department of Computer Science, Aarhus University, Aabogade 34, Aarhus, 8200, Denmark. 3School of Communication and Information, Rutgers University,…

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Repeat Debt-Default Rates Increase After Recession, Moody’s Says – Bloomberg Business

(Bloomberg) — Companies that defaulted for a second time in the years following the latest recession accounted for more than twice the proportion of total defaults than the historical average, according to Moody’s Investors Service. Firms that missed payments on obligations more than once due to debt swaps or bankruptcy reorganizations, made up 39 percent…

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Google hit by shortfall in paid clicks – FT.com

Google on Thursday added to Wall Street’s concerns about a slowdown in its core desktop search business and falling profit margins as it reported quarterly earnings that fell short of already downbeat forecasts. The search company’s shares, which had already underperformed the wider market over the past three months, slipped another 2 per cent in after-market…

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The Real Reason Kids Aren’t Getting Vaccines | Mother Jones

Illustration by Alex Eben Meyer Much ink has been spilled railing against vaccine skeptics—you know, those people who don’t get their kids immunized against catastrophic childhood diseases because they believe the shots can cause autism and other serious problems. In a recent Parade magazine piece, reporter Seth Mnookin, author of The Panic Virus: A True…

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Internet comment credibility study: Vaccine decisions influenced by online discussion.

“This guy says he’s a doctor, so maybe he’s right.” Photo by Monkey Business Images/Thinkstock. The best account on Twitter, without question, has just over 40,000 followers and doesn’t tweet anymore. It’s called Don’t Read Comments (@avoidcomments), and in its heyday it periodically tweeted things like “Nobody on their deathbed ever said, ‘I wish I…

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How Salon tamed the trolls and saved its online comments

Online comments sections are a double-edged sword for publishers. For those trying to increase loyalty and engagement with readers, comments should be an essential part of an audience strategy. But all too often, they becomes a haven for trolls and spam. Meanwhile, Facebook and Twitter are becoming the new comments sections as people shift their online conversations…

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The Pedagogy Project | HASTAC

We are so proud and excited to announce the Pedagogy Project! This project started when several professors asked for specific suggestions on digital or collaborative projects they could do with their students. We asked the HASTAC Scholars to provide specific assignments, in-class exercises and other projects. The response was awesome – over 80 specific and…

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