Tumblr Overhauls Its Writing Tools For The Medium Age | Fast Company | Business + Innovation

You should totally blog about this article on Tumblr. You know, just a headline, excerpt, link back, and a few lines of your own thoughts. If you do, you’ll likely find a new interface for posting content to the microblogging behemoth. Today, Tumblr is pushing out a pretty substantial refresh to its writing and editing…

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The truth about “political correctness” is that it doesn’t actually exist – Vox

Jonathan Chait has written an article for New York Magazine about his concerns that political correctness threatens free debate by trying to silence certain points of view. Political correctness, in Chait’s view, is a “system of left-wing ideological repression” that threatens the “bedrock liberal ideal” of a “free political marketplace where we can reason together…

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The average American household was poorer in 2013 than it was in 1983 – Vox

Economist Edward Wolff’s latest paper on household wealth during the Great Recession has some really startling data on who gained and lost ground between 1983 and 2013. Alisha Ramos turned it into this striking chart: US net worth rose considerably over that period, which is what you would expect to see. Technology has improved and productivity…

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Well, Newsweek, the Revolution’s Not Going to Start Like This

It’s going to take a revolution to change the sordid and systemic sexism in Silicon Valley. Our cover story: http://t.co/1qXvXer9cs — Newsweek (@Newsweek) January 29, 2015 Good on Newsweek for taking on the subject; bad on Newsweek for doing it with this cover, tagline, and story. “The sexism in Silicon Valley is sordid”—like that cover—”shocking”—like…

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Treadmill Desks Aren’t Just Healthier, They’ll Also Boost Your Work Performance | Co.Exist | ideas + impact

Since sitting all day is slowly killing us, office workers are now turning to standing desks. But why just stand when you can walk, ask proponents of the even more ridiculous treadmill desks? Walking while at work is even healthier than standing still. But can you actually work while walking? Or will the office turn…

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