BBC News – ‘Cyber attack war games’ to be staged by UK and US
BBC News – ‘Cyber attack war games’ to be staged by UK and US.
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BBC News – ‘Cyber attack war games’ to be staged by UK and US.
We’re not living in an algorithmic culture so much as a computational theocracy. Algorithms are everywhere, supposedly. We are living in an “algorithmic culture,” to use the author and communication scholar Ted Striphas’s name for it. Google’s search algorithms determine how we access information. Facebook’s News Feed algorithms determine how we socialize. Netflix’s and Amazon’s…
While on an expedition in Antarctica, photographer Alex Cornell had the rare opportunity to photograph a recently flipped iceberg. Defining to the old adage “just the tip of the iceberg,” it turns out the underside can be illuminated with unbelievable bright blues and striation that reveal visually stunning secrets of these sleeping giants. Witnessing a…
SimCity players have discussed a variety of creative strategies for their virtual homelessness problem. They’ve suggested waiting for natural disasters like tornadoes to blow the vagrants away, bulldozing parks where they congregate, or creating such a woefully insufficient city infrastructure that the homeless would leave on their own. You can read all of these proposed…
[if lt IE 9]>< ![endif] http://media.blubrry.com/itsalljournalism/content.blubrry.com/itsalljournalism/IAJ-2015-01-15-150.mp3“It is every cartoonist’s worse nightmare and it’s absolutely chilling. Sadness, shock and horror.” That’s how political cartoonist Jen Sorensen described her reaction on hearing of the Jan. 7, 2015, attack on the Paris headquarters of the Charlie Hebdo magazine by two Islamist gunman. The shootings killed 12, including cartoonists…
Lassana Bathily, a Muslim born in Mali, will become a citizen of France. Bathily saved Jewish shoppers at the Parisian kosher market where he works from an Islamist gunman by hiding them in a basement walk-in refrigerator. Francois Guillot/AFP/Getty Images hide caption itoggle caption Francois Guillot/AFP/Getty Images Lassana Bathily, a Muslim born in Mali, will…
Race and gender politics at this year’s Golden Globes took an unexpected range of twists and turns. First, hosts Tina Fey and Amy Poehler shamelessly mocked the many rape allegations against Bill Cosby. Given that there has been a significant strain of public resistance among some African-Americans to the racial politics of a group of…
Four years after the Arab Spring began, the new Middle East looks more and more like the old one—but worse. For decades, the bleak choice in the region was between dictators such as Egypt’s Hosni Mubarak and the Islamist militancy that they always invoked when pressured by the West to liberalize. The uprisings of 2011—often spurred by…
The artist is honoring the 12 people killed in the attack on the French magazine. A Charlie Hebdo supporter is drawing Muhammad every day until 2016.
Dear friends, a horrid assault was perpetrated against the French weekly Charlie Hebdo, who had published caricatures of Mohamed, by men who screamed that they had “avenged the prophet”. A wave of compassion followed but apparently died shortly afterward and all sorts of criticism started pouring down the web against Charlie Hebdo, who was described…