The Women of Hollywood Speak Out – The New York Times

Colin Trevorrow’s Hollywood fairy tale started at the Sundance Film Festival in 2012. The bespectacled, bearded director, then 35, came to Park City, Utah, with an endearingly quirky time-travel romantic comedy executive-produced by the endearingly quirky Duplass brothers, Mark and Jay, and starring Mark. The $750,000 indie film, ‘‘Safety Not Guaranteed,’’ went on to make…

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Yahoo Mail is blocking ad-block users from accessing their email – Digiday

Yahoo Mail is purportedly locking out people who use ad-blockers. According to a post on Adblock Plus’ message boards, a Yahoo user noticed the issue on Google Chrome when trying to access email this morning, posting this screenshot: “Yeah, whatever Yahoo,” the person mused, adding that two other people noticed the issue, too. Advertisement Yahoo’s tactic…

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Social media is protecting men from periods, breast milk and body hair | Jessica Valenti | Comment is free | The Guardian

There’s a predictable social media formula for what women’s pictures online should look like. Breasts in barely-there bikinis are good (thumbs-up emoji, even), but breasts with babies attached them are questionable. Women wearing next to nothing is commonplace, but if you’re over a size 10 your account may be banned. Close-up shots of women’s asses…

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Incompetent Bailout Chief and Unrepentant All-Purpose Failure Ascends to Minneapolis Fed Presidency

Neel Kashkari, the at-the-time little-known Goldman Sachs banker who was put in charge (by Treasury Secretary and former Goldman Sachs CEO Hank Paulson) of the Troubled Asset Relief Program (that is, the bank bailouts) in 2008, has been named the new president of the Minneapolis Federal Reserve Bank. As head of TARP, Kashkari was responsible…

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