The Case for Bernie Sanders | Rolling Stone

The New York Times published a piece over the weekend about the political prospects of Bernie Sanders, a politician who apparently does not kiss enough babies: “[Sanders] rarely drops by diners or coffee shops with news cameras in tow, unlike most politicians. He hardly ever kisses babies, aides say, and does not mingle much at fund-raisers….

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SXSW Bungles Announcement of ‘Online Harassment Summit,’ and Panelists Are Pulling Out | Re/code

This morning, SXSW Interactive Director Hugh Forrest released a statement apologizing for canceling two controversial panels earlier this week, and announcing a March 12 “Online Harassment Summit” that would include members of the canceled sessions. SXSW’s statement said speakers from the two panels were set to be a part of the Summit, including the Gamergate-affiliated…

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