KING: White men have killed 7 of 8 cops in U.S. this year – NY Daily News

Across the country, conservative politicians and police unions are voicing their outrage at  Beyoncé, Black Panthers and the Black Lives Matter movement. We hear rumblings that some police departments are going to refuse to provide security for her concerts. Other police chiefs are actually blaming her Super Bowl performance for police shootings. KING: CINCY COPS…

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Avoiding the Gentrification Trap – The Awl

The world is a horrible place filled with terrible things; some we embrace, some we avoid, and some we push back against. Then there are the things, institutional forces and global circumstances, like ubiquitous chemical contamination or income inequality, that cannot be welcomed, evaded, or fought against as individuals, but merely resigned to as realities….

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Churchill: Marquis Dixon waits as sneaker sentence is appealed – Times Union

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“Please Read the Article”? Please Cite Women Academics. | Meryl Alper

I’m not an expert on cyber warfare, nor do I play one on TV—or on Twitter for that matter. I have, though, published academic research about the cultural claims to legitimacy that policymakers have historically used when responding to perceived threats of youth hackers—work, I should note, that popular journalists have covered and properly attributed…

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