Why Hillary Clinton’s ‘super-predator’ concession is such a big moment for political protest – The Washington Post

An activist challenged Hillary Clinton’s record on race Feb. 24, during a private fundraising event in Charleston, S.C. (YouTube/#NotASuperpredator) It happened rather quickly. Ashley Williams showed up Wednesday at a private fundraiser in Charleston, S.C., where former secretary of state Hillary Clinton was in the middle of delivering what may well have been the umpteenth…

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“I’m not a Superpredator, Hillary!”: Black Lives Matter protestors confront Clinton at South Carolina fundraiser – Salon.com

At a private Charleston, South Carolina, residence, surrounded by around 100 supporters, Hillary Clinton was interrupted by a Black Lives Matter activist who unfurled a sign quoting the former first lady on so-called “Superpredators,” the widely prevailing 1990s junk-science criminology that the usually African-American juvenile offenders of the time were irredeemable and would undoubtedly grow to terrorize…

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In-N-Out Vows To Remove Antibiotics From Meat To Save Us All From Drug Resistant “Superbugs”: LAist

In the everlasting quest to make sure we don’t all die from an antibiotic resistant ‘superbug,’ activists have managed another modest victory. Following a public letter addressed to In-N-Out Burger from consumer group CALPIRG, In-N-Out has affirmed a commitment to using meat from animals not treated with antibiotics, according to Reuters. “Our company is committed…

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How Long Should a Story Be?

Some articles should be short. Some articles should be long. No articles, as Vox and its SB Nation demonstrated, should be longform. Greg Howard’s postmortem of SB Nation’s “Who Is Daniel Holtzclaw?” debacle offers lots of insights into how a story can go wrong, but the most concise may be his reporting that a freelancer…

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