The Fine Brothers thought they had found the future of YouTube. They were wrong. – The Washington Post

When the popular YouTubers known as the Fine Brothers speak about their work — specifically, a series of online videos where people of various age groups “react” to pop culture and Internet phenomena — they often speak in terms of creating “time capsules” for future generations to watch and understand how we viewed the world…

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Why a top food poisoning expert won’t ever eat these foods – The Washington Post

(Amy King/The Washington Post; iStock) In the aftermath of an E. coli outbreak at Chipotle that sickened dozens of people across the United States last fall and led to an overhaul of the company’s food safety practices, Americans reacted by avoiding the beloved fast-food chain. Restaurants that once sported long lines were suddenly empty, a phenomenon that was almost…

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Yahoo for Sale, Says Yahoo, Finally Admitting the Obvious (Also Q4 Results!) | Re/code

Who cares how Yahoo’s business performed in its fourth quarter? The main point: It’s officially for sale. Said Yahoo chairman Maynard Webb: “The Board also believes that exploring additional strategic alternatives, in parallel to the execution of the management plan, is in the best interest of our shareholders. Separating our Alibaba stake from our operating…

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