How Google’s AMP project speeds up the Web—by sandblasting HTML | Ars Technica

“Too slow,” where have we heard that one before? Getty Images cache miss 1613:single/related:1a31501ece0b7141312fc72c09a6000e empty There’s a story going around today that the Web is too slow, especially over mobile networks. It’s a pretty good story—and it’s a perpetual story. The Web, while certainly improved from the days of 14.4k modems, has never been as…

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Google’s new AMP HTML spec wants to make mobile websites “load instantly” | Ars Technica UK

cache miss 76:single/related:84d703cc5bc68ed69388e6fe91d800d5 empty Google has a plan to speed up mobile Web browsing. The recently unveiled AMP—Accelerated Mobile Pages—project is an open source initiative that restricts certain elements of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to produce leaner Web pages “that are optimised to load instantly on mobile devices.” How much quicker is “instantly”? According to…

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Review: In ‘Gods of Egypt,’ That Doughnut Beast Is Stepping on My Sandal – The New York Times

Photo A glowing threat in “Gods of Egypt.” Credit Lionsgate Bosomy damsels and brawny slabs; cheering digital crowds; a lachrymose sphinx; a bedazzled Geoffrey Rush; a galactic cruise ship; an Egyptian god played by the Dane Nikolaj Coster-Waldau; the sword-and-sandals enabler Gerard Butler; a smoky monster that from one angle looks like a fanged doughnut…

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