A photo of this Brussels bombing victim was on your front page. Here’s her story. – The Washington Post

Two injured women are seen inside Brussels Airport after deadly explosions on March 22. (Ketevan Kardava/Georgian Public Broadcaster via AP) Ketevan Kardava was at the airport in Brussels on Tuesday, headed to Switzerland for an assignment. So she was there when the first explosion occurred, a blast that sent debris flying, she told Time magazine. The airport filled with…

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Is Batman v Superman a winner?

As the title suggests, Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice hinges on a fight between a masked private detective who has machine guns mounted in his car and a flying alien who wears a red cape and shoots laser beams from his eyes. It sounds as if it should be a rollicking children’s cartoon, and…

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A New Theory of Trump | commentary

Clinton’s own ideological roots lie in that movement. When the president of Wellesley College yielded to the demand of protesting students that one of their number be added to the graduation program in 1969 to counterbalance the establishmentarian commencement speaker, Senator Edward Brooke, Hillary Rodham was their choice. She delivered an address in which the…

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Privilege is what allows Sanders supporters to say they’ll “never” vote for Clinton – Quartz

The latest installment of “The Internet Explodes with Hatred for Hillary Clinton” happened earlier this month. The Democratic presidential candidate, whose own record on AIDS research and funding is better than any other candidate, mistakenly said that former US first lady Nancy Reagan was a key supporter of AIDS research. Reagan was, in reality, horrible…

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How one developer just broke Node, Babel and thousands of projects in 11 lines of JavaScript • The Register

Programmers were left staring at broken builds and failed installations on Tuesday after someone toppled the Jenga tower of JavaScript. A couple of hours ago, Azer Koçulu unpublished more than 250 of his modules from NPM, which is a popular package manager used by JavaScript projects to install dependencies. Koçulu yanked his source code because,…

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Thank you for ad blocking | a botlab.io initiative | thankyouforadblocking.com is a public awareness campaign focused on increasing awareness about the danger associated with online advertising.

REMINISCIENCES OF AN ADTECH OPERATOR I became interested with the topics of privacy and internet user rights more than 20 years ago in my native Finland, which at the time was toted as the first information society in the world. I was one of the first commercial internet developers, and became fascinated with the user data…

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Nixon Policy Advisor Admits He Invented War On Drugs to Suppress ‘Anti-War Left and Black People’

Dan Baum, writing in support of drug legalization at Harper’s, has unleashed a frank 1994 quote from former Nixon policy advisor John Ehrlichman, and as inadvertently salient an argument for legalizing drugs as any I’ve ever seen: At the time, I was writing a book about the politics of drug prohibition. I started to ask…

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