Ted Cruz’s Devastating Ice Bucket Challenge Video, A Close Reading

‘; if (google_ads[0].bidtype == ‘CPC’) { /* insert this snippet for each ad call */ google_adnum = google_adnum + google_ads.length; } document.write(s); } } google_ad_client = ‘ca-pub-0457527031304647’; google_ad_output = ‘js’; google_max_num_ads = ‘1’; google_ad_type = ‘text’; google_feedback = ‘on’; google_skip = google_adnum; google_ad_channel = ‘1102379497’; A few years ago, the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge took…

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Secretive Harvard club breaks 225 years of silence to say that admitting women could increase sexual misconduct – The Washington Post

Harvard University in Cambridge, Mass., last month. (AP Photo/Steven ) Inside the hallowed halls of Harvard University, one of the most exclusive colleges in the world, there are ever more hallow, exclusive halls: those of the university’s “final clubs,” or undergraduate social clubs known for their selectivity and secrecy. But now, in the age of…

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