Is Taylor Swift a Feminist? – The New Inquiry

coins metadata inserted by kblog-metadata Is Taylor Swift a feminist? Is Hillary Clinton a feminist? Is Bill Clinton a feminist? Is Carrie Bradshaw a feminist? Is Beyonce a feminist? Is Doris Lessing a feminist? Is Dr. Phil a feminist? Subscribe to TNI magazine for $2 and get TNI Vol. 13:

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Va. delegate: Naming a law school for Scalia is a polarizing mistake – The Washington Post

George Mason University leaders announced last week that they would rename their law school the Antonin Scalia School of Law, honoring the late U.S. Supreme Court justice, after receiving $30 million in gifts. Shortly after the university’s announcement, Del. Marcus B. Simon (D-Fairfax) began circulating a petition calling for a stop to George Mason “selling the…

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Nintendo’s first mobile app is a Kafkaesque exercise in madness – Quartz

On Mar. 31, Nintendo’s first mobile app, a strange question-and-answer social network called Miitomo, launched in the US. It’s been available in Japan for a few weeks, and according to Nintendo, it was downloaded over 1 million times in the first three days there. Nintendo, which pretty much single-handedly created the portable video-game industry with…

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This Is Bad, Even For Sarah Palin

Sarah Palin this week spoke before a crowd of Republicans for more than 20 minutes. Despite using thousands of words that would technically be characterized as “English,” Palin garnered real applause exactly once—when she spoke about Benghazi. It was that terrible. “Getting off the airplane today, as I’m walking through the airport and seeing all…

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