Is The New Javascript Based WordPress Complicating Things? – WPExplorer

The reasoning behind the new open source interface, named “Calypso,” is simple. The existing PHP codebase served the company and the WordPress community well since the company’s founding in 2003, and made a lot of sense three, five, and certainly ten years ago. But in the super-fast, mobile-first era, it had become a hindrance….

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Marissa Mayer vs. “Kim Kardashian’s Ass”: What Sunk Yahoo’s Media Ambitions? | Vanity Fair

Yahoo’s offices have become a grim place of late. In February, C.E.O Marissa Mayer announced that the company would shed 15 percent of its staff as it explores a sale of its core business. This human “streamlining” has been particularly brutal for morale at Yahoo’s extensive media holdings. Numerous publications have been shuttered, including Yahoo…

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Perfectly Reasonable Question: Why No Big Splash for ‘Panama Papers’? – The New York Times

The “Panama Papers” are being called the largest ever leak of secret data, and articles about the offshore bank accounts of bigwigs worldwide — developed by a global consortium of journalists — began appearing Sunday afternoon. They burst into the Sunday afternoon news lull, getting huge play in media outlets around the world and in…

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A Key Similarity Between Snowden Leak and Panama Papers: Scandal Is What’s Been Legalized

FROM THE START of the reporting based on Edward Snowden’s leaked document archive, government defenders insisted that no illegal behavior was revealed. That was always false: Multiple courts have now found the domestic metadata spying program in violation of the Constitution and relevant statutes and have issued similar rulings for other mass surveillance programs; numerous articles on NSA and GCHQ documented…

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The Panama Papers leak, explained with an adorable comic about piggy banks – Vox

It’s easy to get confused by all the headlines about the Panama Papers, a massive 2.6-terabyte leak of documents that reveals a global web of corruption and tax avoidance. But Vox’s German Lopez uncovered a great explanation of what’s happening, and it’s courtesy of brilliant redditor DanGliesack. He uses piggy banks to help explain the…

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