The first rule of pricing is: you do not talk about pricing — Fluxx Studio Notes — Medium

The first rule of pricing is: you do not talk about pricing I’ve been slightly obsessed about pricing since 2010. Before joining Fluxx, I was part of the team that changed the price of The Times digital edition from this: The Times digital price pre-2010 To this: The Times digital price post-2010 Introducing what inevitably…

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How a Senator used Facebook ads to influence employees in a single D.C. building | Fusion

For a glimpse into just how precise Facebook ad targeting is getting, look to Washington, D.C. Specifically look to 1849 C Street, N.W., a few blocks from the White House, where you’ll find the headquarters for the Department of the Interior, the federal agency tasked with managing national parks, federal land and natural resources. Alaska…

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Here Is Your First Horrifying Look at Elizabeth Banks as Power Rangers’ Rita Repulsa

A few months ago, we were baffled—but also incredibly excited—that Elizabeth Banks would be playing Rita Repulsa, the classic, cackling villain of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, in the upcoming movie. And now that we’ve gotten to see what she looks like, and… no. Not like this, Power Rangers movie.… Just revealed by People, Bank’s…

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