Bernie Sanders Is Even Less Competitive Than He Appears | FiveThirtyEight

Bernie Sanders’s supporters are fond of the hypothesis that Democratic superdelegates, the elected leaders and party officials who currently support Hillary Clinton by a lopsided-doesn’t-even-begin-to-describe-it 469 to 31, are going to bow to the “will of the people” if Sanders ends up winning more pledged delegates than Clinton by June. There’s just one hiccup in…

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Yes, Clinton is winning the popular vote — by a wide margin – The Washington Post

Washington state caucus-goers. (Ted S. Warren/AP) Writer and activist Shaun King has a prolific presence on social media and an outspoken passion for Bernie Sanders. King appeared in Sanders’s Spike Lee-directed promotional video that came out shortly before the New York primary, and he has consistently advocated for the senator from Vermont on Twitter for…

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