Kathryn Borel just destroyed Ghomeshi’s and the CBC’s efforts to rescue their reputations | Financial Post

So much for best-laid plans. After hundreds of thousands of dollars in legal and public-relations fees, Jian Ghomeshi once again looked to be riding high, his reputation, if not fully rehabilitated, at least rejuvenated. He’d made some smart moves. Rather than rushing forward with an ill-fated attempt to come at the CBC seeking arbitration for…

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Experts Still Think uBeam’s Through-the-Air Charging Tech Is Unlikely – IEEE Spectrum

  Photo: iStockphoto uBeam, a high-profile startup backed by some of Silicon Valley’s most prominent investors, has become a tech-industry sensation because of the wireless charging technology it claims to have in its labs. Scheduled for delivery next year, uBeam promises to use ultrasound to charge a mobile phone wirelessly, as you go about your…

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