The Real Problem With Facebook and the News | Stratechery by Ben Thompson

I got my start writing for the student newspaper at the University of Wisconsin. What is interesting about that statement is that the appropriate follow-up question is “Which student newspaper?” For many years Wisconsin was unique in being the only university with two daily newspapers, both with five-digit print circulations. The older paper, The Daily…

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‘X-Men: Apocalypse’ Review: It’s A Franchise-Killing Disaster – Forbes

The Box Office: X-Men: Apocalypse opens overseas starting May 18th before its American debut on May 27th. Like two of the highest grossing previous X-Men pictures, it has a prime Memorial Day slot that should point towards a big opening but also a brief theatrical lifespan. The X-Men movies have never been terribly leggy, and this shouldn’t be an exception with competition like Teenage…

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Instructions Make Bombs, Not Glow Sticks :

  Claim: A meme gives instructions for making a homemade glow stick. FALSE Example: [Collected via e-mail, May 2016] Apparently a meme is getting passed around that tells Bernie Sanders supporters how to make a glow stick but is actually a chlorine bomb. Is this true Origin:A meme directed at Bernie Sanders supporters purportedly giving instructions on how…

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