Donald Trump’s taco bowl: what the hell is he eating – and is that his ex-wife? | US news | The Guardian

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) May 5, 2016 Happy #CincoDeMayo! The best taco bowls are made in Trump Tower Grill. I love Hispanics!   After insulting and demeaning Mexican people for months and threatening to build an even bigger wall around their border with the US, Trump has come to realize that in…

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Beyond Schadenfreude, the Spectacular Pundit Failure on Trump Is Worth Remembering

(updated below: Thurs.) Trying to predict the future can be fun, which is why — from office sports pools to stock market speculation — many do it. Generally, though, people make such predictions with at least some humility: with the knowledge that they do not actually know what the future holds. But not America’s beloved political pundits. When they pronounce…

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Sex history calculator: Is your number of sexual partners low, average, or high?

  Photo by MarishaSha/Shutterstock RenderHTML [if gte IE 9]>> Loading… We don’t have data for people under the age of 18. Okay What’s your number? How do I stack up? Don’t worry, we’re not collecting your data. Data based on answers from more than 13,000 Americans in the General Social Survey, 2006 – 2014.  …

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Cruz Hopes to Tap Into Immense Popularity of Carly Fiorina – The New Yorker

Credit Photograph by Mark Kauzlarich/Reuters Barrier Status: ‘none’ INDIANAPOLIS (The Borowitz Report)—In choosing the former Hewlett-Packard C.E.O. Carly Fiorina as his running mate, Senator Ted Cruz hopes to tap into the immense popularity of one of the most beloved public figures in America. Minutes after the news of Cruz’s selection leaked, political insiders called the…

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Talking while female: an expert guide to the things you definitely should not say | Life and style | The Guardian

The semantic struggle is real. Every day it gets harder and harder to know whether my vocabulary is inadvertently perpetuating a “growing tyranny of feelings” that threatens the very foundations of democracy. Thankfully the internet is full of vocabulary vigilantes eager to spell things out for the rest of the us – the most recent…

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Spider-Man And Iron Man Have Beef Now

Spider-Man and Iron Man have been on-and-off allies for decades and worked in close partnership on the Avengers. Nowadays, they’re more like frenemies. It used to be that Peter Parker and Tony Stark saved the world in differently scaled adventures. The wall-crawler was more of a street-level guy while the armored genius fought everywhere from…

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Game of Header Bidding :: MinOnline

Gavin Dunaway icx_story_begin It’s all right if you find the perpetual commotion of the ad-tech space hard to follow. The convoluted proceedings might feel like lost “Game of Thrones” plots, only with less sex and violence (actually, that depends on which conferences you attend). Take the other week, when Google made the startling announcement around…

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