January 2025

Tetris gets trilogy as story ‘too big’ to fit into single film | Film | The Guardian
Tetris, the 1980s video game about stacking blocks, is being made into not one, but three films, according to Empire. Producer Larry Kasanoff is lining up a trilogy about the GameBoy favourite, which featured the simple but addictive formula of shuffling falling shapes into corresponding gaps. “The story we conceived is so big,” said Kasanoff….

Google Calendar is down, everyone go home
Yep, it’s not just you: Google Calendar appears to be down and has been since 9:47AM ET, according to Google’s App Status Dashboard. Try going to Google Calendar now and you’ll likely be greeted with a blank page, or a server error page that tells you in a handful of languages that your meetings today…

De Blasio’s Social Media Director Quits After 2 Months Working With ‘Hacks’ – Civic Center – DNAinfo New York
In a Facebook post, Scott Kleinberg said he had to quit working for Mayor Bill de Blasio “for the sake of my health and my sanity.”View Full Caption Getty/Kena Betancur CIVIC CENTER — Mayor Bill de Blasio’s new social media director has quit — saying in a scathing Facebook post that he had to do…

Facebook Just Gave The Finger To Millions Of People Who Use It For News
Facebook planted a flag Wednesday, declaring that the site will give greater weight to material posted by your friends and deemphasize content published by businesses and media outlets. The social network approached the issue with a rare bit of candor, stating that the change to its News Feed will likely hurt traffic to external websites….

You Can Stop Second-Guessing That Big Jon Snow Revelation from the Finale
There’s no real way to really discuss this without spoilers, so let me put it this way: If you had any lingering doubts about that scene, you may put now them away. The scene, of course, was atop the Tower of Joy, as young Ned Stark arrived to rescue his sister Lyanna, only to find…

A Cosplayer Is Running For Political Office
This is Cara Nicole Trujillo. For the past few years, she’s been active on the Arizona cosplay scene. Now, she’s also active on the political one. Phoenix New Times report that Trujillo is officially running for the Arizona Legislature as a Green Party candidate, appearing on this November’s ballot. On her official site, Trujillo mentions…

BioShock Collection Leaks (Yet Again)
After leaking once in September, then again in February, then in March, it appears the BioShock collection is ready to leak for real this time. While previous leaks came mostly from trademarks and retailers, today’s news actually came from 2K’s website, where the name appeared for a few minutes this afternoon before it was removed:…

Twitter debacle : SCOTUSblog
Update (7:40 p.m.): Twitter has reactivated our @SCOTUSblog account and restored the deleted tweets. Today we had our annual running of the trolls — wherein we respond to people who direct mostly hateful and sometimes cute things to our @SCOTUSblog account, thinking it is the official Twitter account of the Supreme Court. We’ve done this…
In a blow to publishers, Facebook tweaks News Feed to emphasize friends over the news – Poynter
Facebook announced on Wednesday it’s changing its News Feed to prioritize friends and family over news organizations, a shift that will cause referral traffic to publishers to decrease. The change was announced in a blog post addressed to Facebook users Wednesday that said users are “worried about missing important updates from the friends they care…