San Francisco Magazine | Modern Luxury | A Kindergarten Teacher May Be Evicted from Her Mission Apartment. Reason: ‘Using Appliances’

One chilly afternoon in March, Michelle Malliett came home to her Mission district apartment to find a legal notice taped to her door. The notice gave her three days to move out of her two-bedroom apartment, an illegal in-law unit that she shares with her 17-year-old daughter. Her reaction? “I panicked,” she recalls. Malliett, 49,…

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The worst thing I read this year, and what it taught me… or Can we design sociotechnical systems… — Medium

The worst thing I read this year, and what it taught me… or Can we design sociotechnical systems that don’t suck I found Shane Snow’s essay on prison reform — “How Soylent and Oculus Could Fix the Prison System” — through hatelinking. Friends of mine hated the piece so much that normally articulate people were at a loss for…

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