Lives are on the line: The smearing of LGBTs by the right is more than disturbing — it’s dangerous –

How ironic. The architect of North Carolina’s anti-transgender “bathroom bill,” which took away the right of transgender people to use the restroom that matches their gender identity, compared LGBT rights activists with the Taliban. Just last week, the killer in the latest major attack on the LGBT community, which left 49 people dead in Orlando, Florida,…

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Airbnb and house-sharing firms reduced New York housing stock by 10% – study | US news | The Guardian

Short-term rental companies like Airbnb are flooding New York City’s housing market, reducing available housing stock citywide by 10%, a new study has revealed. More than 55% of rooms or apartments listed on Airbnb in New York are illegal, according to the report, which is the result of research commissioned by two affordable housing advocacy…

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Star Trek: A Case Study In How to Dismantle a Fandom – Fort Collins Comic Con

.featured-image-inner (end) .featured-image (end) .featured-image-wrapper (end) (Header Photo Credit: US Army Europe) CBS and Paramount handed down new Star Trek Fan Film guidelines and most fans are livid: At the time of writing, the official post on Star Trek’s Facebook page had 1,300+ comments. 1,300+ “angry” and “sad” reactions. Tweets from Trekkie lawyers like Ryan Kairalla and…

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Questions for Signet CEO

Signet CEO Mark Light. CNBC screengrab Mark Light – who runs the company that owns Kay Jewelers, Zales, and Jared’s Galleria – is having a particularly hard few weeks. It started when BuzzFeed published a story about women across the US who believe that the diamonds in their engagement rings are being switched out when…

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