January 2025

N-Word Tweets Won’t Cost Miss Teen USA Her Title — The Cut
Miss Teen USA Karlie Hay Photo: Ethan Miller/Getty Images When Miss Teen USA tweeted out its top-five contestants, the competition’s lack of diversity was so stark it almost appeared to be a parody. These are your TOP 5 #MissTeenUSA contestants! pic.twitter.com/qi3KJT6COb — Karlie Hay (@MissTeenUSA) July 31, 2016 Even…
Why Khizr and Ghazala Khan Are Paul Ryan’s Worst Nightmare – The Atlantic
When Khizr Khan took the stage last week at the Democratic National Convention, proudly standing before a portrait of his Muslim American son, who died while fighting in Iraq for the U.S., he removed a pocket Constitution from his jacket, thrust it toward the camera, and demanded to know if Donald Trump, a proponent of…

Donald Trump’s Draft Deferments: Four for College, One for Bad Feet – The New York Times
But his Selective Service records, obtained from the National Archives, suggest otherwise. Mr. Trump had been medically exempted for more than a year when the draft lottery began in December 1969, well before he received what he has described as his “phenomenal” draft number. Because of his medical exemption, his lottery number would have been…

Nice Cargo Shorts! You’re Sleeping on the Sofa – WSJ
Aug. 1, 2016 4:20 p.m. ET Dane Hansen, who operates a small steel business in Pleasant Grove, Utah, says that throughout his 11-year marriage, 15 pairs of cargo shorts have slowly disappeared from his closet. On the occasions when he has confronted his wife about the missing shorts, she will either admit to throwing them…
Overwatch appears to be getting some Summer Olympics-themed skins | Polygon
The cast of Overwatch is apparently heading to Rio to engage in some Summer Olympics-themed fun, according to a package sent out by Blizzard Entertainment. That means some new skins — including Weightlifting Zarya, Football Lucio and Track and Field Tracer — seem to be coming in time with the real-world Rio 2016 Olympics. Twitch…

Nick Denton, Founder and CEO of Gawker Media, Has Declared Bankruptcy
Nick Denton, the British expatriate who independently founded Gawker Media in 2002 and has served as its chief executive officer for its entire 14-year history, filed today for Chapter 11 bankruptcy in the Southern District of New York. In March, a Florida jury found him culpable of invading the wrestler Hulk Hogan’s privacy, nearly four…

Pokémon Fans Think Sun and Moon’s New Exeggutor Is Hilarious
Given that its first evolutionary form is literally just a bunch of eggs, Exeggutor has always been one of the sillier Pokémon designs in the compendium. But the introduction of Sun and Moon’s new Alola Form takes things to a whole new level. Meet Sun and Moon’s version of Exeggutor, which turns the critter into…

Pokémon Go’s Vaporeon Has Been Nerfed
Well, that was quick. Earlier this week, we reported Vaporeon’s immense popularity in Pokémon Go—the best players around the world were flocking to this water Pokémon both because it was both easy to get, and because it packed a punch. Well, some of that is changing now. As noted by Archangelus on Reddit, Vaporeon’s bread…

Even Pokémon Go’s Biggest Fans Are Turning Against It Right Now
In the course of a few weeks, Pokémon Go has gone from a mega hit, to a broken game even its most ardent fans cannot defend. This shift in the community is due to mostly one thing: a lack of communication from Niantic. It’s been like this since the beginning, really. When Pokémon Go originally…