Donald Trump’s Draft Deferments: Four for College, One for Bad Feet – The New York Times

But his Selective Service records, obtained from the National Archives, suggest otherwise. Mr. Trump had been medically exempted for more than a year when the draft lottery began in December 1969, well before he received what he has described as his “phenomenal” draft number. Because of his medical exemption, his lottery number would have been…

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Pokémon Go’s Vaporeon Has Been Nerfed

Well, that was quick. Earlier this week, we reported Vaporeon’s immense popularity in Pokémon Go—the best players around the world were flocking to this water Pokémon both because it was both easy to get, and because it packed a punch. Well, some of that is changing now. As noted by Archangelus on Reddit, Vaporeon’s bread…

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