If You Vote For Trump, Then Screw You | GQ

Drew Magary wants a word with anyone who’s about to be on the wrong side of history. Earlier this week, the Washington Post’s David Fahrenthold uncovered yet another Donald Trump scam job, in which he used over $250,000 in charitable donations to help pay off his legal bills. And, because this is Trump, that sordid…

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Mode Media collapse: The inside story – Business Insider

Samir Arora, the cofounder and former CEO of Mode Media. Sean Gallup/Getty Images; Skye Gould/Business Insider From the winding freeway that links Silicon Valley with San Francisco, the giant Mode Media sign gracing the company’s headquarters was a hard-to-miss proclamation alerting passing drivers to an internet success story with a rich, $1 billion valuation. But…

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Addiction Is a Learning Disorder

Catherine Townsend-Lyon, 53, started gambling excessively when she was 30. As a result, her 40th birthday wasn’t much of a celebration: She was hospitalized, shortly after a suicide attempt. She’d tried to slit her wrists the day she’d missed her best friend’s funeral, after stealing money from her job at a credit service to play…

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How To Be Werner Herzog

How To Be Werner Herzog What A Six-Hour MasterClass™ Can (And Can’t) Teach You About Making Movies I have found that when I tell people I love Werner Herzog, the sentiment is easy to misinterpret. It can sound like banal garden-variety hipster fandom of a public eccentric. It has become hard not to view Werner as a…

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